If you are thinking about designing a company website, or if you just want to get more visitors, you should read the list below, in which I have summarized the most important content elements.
Many of them seem obvious, yet statistics show that the majority of companies fill it with inappropriate content. That is why I will try to summarize and justify where, what and why it is worth displaying.
- 1. Introduction / About us
- 2. Our employees
- 3. Our services
- 4. Our products
- 5. Our clients / References / Case studies
- 6. News / Blog
- 7. FAQ
- 8. Contact
- 9. They said about us / Our customers wrote
- 10. Our social sites
- 11. Awards / Honors / Management positions / Certificates
- 12. Legal statement / Data protection statement
1. Introduction / About us
According to statistics, the majority of visitors who click on this menu item are looking for answers to the following questions, so please explain them carefully:
- What does the company do?
- Since when?
- Who is behind the company?
- How do you work?
- Where do you work?
When writing the introductory text, keep the following recommendations in mind:
- Tell your story!
- Tell me what is your mission, your vision?
- Write down what others say about you?
- What do employees say about the company?
- What are the previous main achievements and milestones of your company?
- Show all this with your own pictures or an introductory video.
You can find a detailed presentation of the contents of this menu item in this article, it is worth reading!
2. Our employees
The visitor is wondering how many people the company has, who is behind the company, what kind of professional background they have, what kind of professional competences they have, how to reach them. That is why it is important to display the following content elements in the list of employees:
- Name
- Photo (smiling!)
- Role
- Short history (where did you graduate, what do you do at the company, how long have you been doing it... etc.),
- Availability
3. Our services
In the development of company websites, little energy is spent on the exact description of the services. That is why it is often not clear to a new visitor what competencies the company has. On the basis of the statements, the following information must be provided in an understandable, jargon-free formulation:
- How do you work?
- Why should I choose your company?
- What makes you better than your competitors?
- The main services should be explained on a separate page for search engine optimization reasons.
- At the end of the descriptions, there should be a "Call to action": "Order now!", "Contact us!", "Visit us in our showroom!" ... etc.
4. Our products
Incomplete information and low-quality images are still the most common problems when displaying marketed products. Therefore, make sure that you provide as much information as possible about the products, accompanied by as many professional photos as possible.
5. Our clients / References / Case studies
Most of the visitors decide who to choose based on the company's customers and references. That is why it is important to develop this menu item as thoroughly as possible. The visitor expects answers to the following questions when he clicks here:
- Who are your biggest customers?
- How many reference works do you have?
- For whom, where, on what projects did you work?
- What experience did you have?
- I want to see pictures and videos of how you work.
- Do you have 1-2 specific case studies where I can see the processes in detail?
6. News / Blog
The News / Blog menu item provides the opportunity for frequently updated content to be added to the website. In addition to favoring Google, frequently updated content provides the opportunity to be displayed on social media and in newsletters. A good News or Blog page conveys the following message to the visitor.
- We know what's new
- We have time, energy and resources to share with you
- We pay attention to informing our customers
- We have professional publications
- We take part in conferences, exhibitions and trainings
7. FAQ
Answer the most frequently asked questions right on your website. With this, you help the visitor to get answers to their questions immediately without investing extra energy, calling or e-mailing. Gratitude will increase trust in your company.
8. Contact
In the contact menu, enter as many options as possible so that the visitor can contact you. You can't know in advance whether he likes calling, e-mailing or contacting us on social media. Therefore, please provide as many contact options as possible. The phone number should not be a mandatory field on the contact form, because according to statistics, the majority of visitors do not like to enter it.
- Company name
- Title
- Phone number
- Opening hours
- Google maps
- Contact form
- Social media contacts
9. They said about us / Our customers wrote
On a company website, the feedback displayed by customers appears as an external, independent opinion of the company, therefore they play a prominent role in building trust. If you strive for perfection, include your name, company name and photo in addition to the text of the feedback, this way you can maximize credibility.
10. Our social sites
According to statistics, a company that does not have a social media site receives a negative opinion from visitors. Because some of the visitors also look at the company's social media page before making a decision, hoping that they will find more information there. If you don't have a company social media page, you consider this a clear disappointment.
11. Awards / Honors / Management positions / Certificates
The display of various prizes, awards, and certificates plays a significant role in building trust. They all testify to the fact that it is a recognized company with appropriate professional competences that is worth contacting. Look at some American businesses, they are promoted everywhere if they manage to win some kind of award.
12. Legal statement / Data protection statement
If you have it, the dog won't even look at it. But if it is missing from the website, it results in a clear loss of trust. I don't like to subscribe to a newsletter or provide any of my data on a site where they don't even bother to describe how they handle my personal data, what happens to the e-mail address I provided. Not to mention that nowadays it is essential to include the appropriate data protection statement in order to send a newsletter.